m u s i c a l e n g i n e e r i n g
Welcome to the official portal for Tunewerk Precision Piano in Boston, Mass. Our focus is performance
optimization for the modern grand piano, informed by research and backed by applied math and engineering.
As a small artisan shop, we offer a quality and uncompromising dedication that you will not find elsewhere.
What is the mathematical relationship that drives ideal tuning in 12-TET? This problem has been unsolved
and/or partially solved for over a hundred years. What are the ideal parameters of voicing and regulation
that can deliver tone and control not even found in factory-new instruments? We have these solutions.
At this time, we no longer offer standard field service.
Please refer to the Piano Technicians Guild website
listed below, and search for registered technicians in your area. For in-depth consultations towards achieving
instrument optimization, please contact us at the email provided below. Further developments forthcoming...
unity of tone through applied research
Registered Piano Technician of the Piano Technicians Guild (www.ptg.org)
PO Box 397131, Cambridge, MA | email:
[...]@tunewerk.com |